House Advantage Craps

Crap games have some of the widest house edge spreads of any casino game. On the good end you have no house edge on the odds bets and just 1.41% on the Pass Line. On the bad end you have house edges over 10% such as on bets such like the Proposition 2 and 12.

The house advantage is 2.8%. Configuration #3: Pays triple when either a 2 or 12 shows. When the Field pays triple for both the 2 and 12, it’s a “zero expectation,” which means the casino has no advantage. Unfortunately, most casinos have tables with configuration #1 that pay double for both the 2 and 12 with a 5.5% house advantage. Why have a table of a good many bets and their corresponding house advantage? The answer is easy, it will help you develop clearer and more intelligent betting choices. I've heard it said many times, 'in the short term, the vig has no bearing on craps wagering because anything can happen in the short term.' May 14, 2017 The house edge with this payout schedule is 5.56%. But some casinos pay 2:1 for 2 and 3:1 for 12, which lowers the house advantage to 2.78%. If you can find this pay schedule, then the Field bet isn’t so bad. Here we list the house advantage for each of the lay bets: Laying against a 6 or 8 has a house advantage of 1.22 percent. Laying against a 5 or 9 has a house advantage of 0.90 percent. Laying against a 4 or 10 has a house advantage of 0.61 percent.

BetPaysHouse Edge
Pass Line 1 to 1 1.41%
Don't Pass Line 1 to 1 1.36%
Pass Odds 2 to 1 (4 or 10)
3 to 2 (5 or 9)
6 to 5 (6 or 8)
0% *
Don't Pass Odds 1 to 2 (4 or 10)
2 to 3 (5 or 9)
5 to 6 (6 or 8)
0% *
Come 1 to 1 1.41%
Don't Come 1 to 1 1.36%
Come Odds 2 to 1 (4 or 10)
3 to 2 (5 or 9)
6 to 5 (6 or 8)
0% *
Don't Come Odds 1 to 2 (4 or 10)
2 to 3 (5 or 9)
5 to 6 (6 or 8)
0% *
Place Bets 9 to 5 (4 or 10)
7 to 5 (5 or 9)
7 to 6 (6 or 8)
Buy Bets
5% Commission
2 to 1 (4 or 10)
3 to 2 (5 or 9)
6 to 5 (6 or 8)
Lay Bets
5% Commission
1 to 2 (4 or 10)
2 to 3 (5 or 9)
5 to 6 (6 or 8)
Big 6 or 8 1 to 1 9.09%
Field Bets 1 to 1 (3, 4, 9, 10 or 11)
2 to 1 (2 or 12)
Hardways 7 to 1 (4 or 10)
9 to 1 (6 or 8)
Any 7 4 to 1 16.9%
Any Craps 7 to 1 11.1%
Proposition 2 or 12 30 to 1 13.9%
Proposition 3 or 11 15 to 1 11.1%

* Note About the Odds Bets


While the house edge is in fact zero for the odds bet there is of course a catch in the fact that you have to have made a Pass Line or Don't Pass Line bet to be able to make the bet. The actual house edge on the combined bets is determined by the amount you can bet on the odds.

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Typically online you will only find 3X odds which makes the combined house edge on the Pass Line Odds 0.47% and for the Don't Pass Odds 0.34%. The higher the multiple you can bet on the odds the lower the house edge so for example a game with 100X odds has a house edge of just 0.02%.

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